Terms of Membership

✓ A moderator will be assigned at each meeting to manage time.
✓ Please be on time for book club meetings.
✓ Members that miss 4 consecutive meetings lose their membership to the book club.

  • A WhatsApp/zoom call will be set up to loop in members that cannot make the in-person meetings or are out of town.

✓ Any members holding mini discussions during meetings will be required to pay a penalty fee of k10 each.
✓ Members are required to confirm attendance at least 48 hours of book club date and time being set to allow for revisions where necessary.
✓ Please promptly communicate cancellations should be promptly communicated via WhatsApp, call, or email.
✓ New members will be required to complete a membership evaluation form.
✓ Please remember the objective of the book club when sharing recommendations to ensure we achieve the goals set.
✓ Children are not allowed to attend book discussions.
✓ No pets allowed at meeting.
✓ The book club is a safe space for you to express your opinions and experiences. Thus, all book club discussions should remain confidential and not shared outside of the book club.
✓ Non book club member cannot attend meetings, unless they are official book club guests.
✓ All members are required to pay a monthly membership fee of ZMW 50.00. membership can be paid monthly, quarterly, or annually. Membership is due on the 1st of every month.

Bookclub Core Values

✓ Commitment
✓ Responsibility
✓ Connections
✓ Pioneering
✓ Optimism
✓ Collaboration
✓ Adaptability

Visit the website for more information

Membership Benefits

✓ Networking & Community
✓ Learning Opportunities
✓ Access to Partnership Peaks
✓ Exclusive Discounts
✓ Volunteer Opportunities
✓ Free Business Promo
✓ Access to Curated Events

Dismisable Acts

✓ Sharing confidential opinions, life experiences or any information shared during discussion outside of the book club.
✓ Missing 4 consecutive book discussions.
✓ Failure to pay membership once enforced.
✓ Continuous breach of TOM

Welcome Back

Everything is where you left it.

Contact Us

Fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can

+260 964 900 411

Welcome to the club